
Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (‘PPU’) is the first major Ibero-American law firm. The firm is born from a merger between the Chilean Philippi, Yrarrázaval, Pulido & Brunner, Colombian Prietocarrizosa, and the two Peruvian firms Ferrero Abogados and Delmar Ugarte. The prestigious Spanish and Portuguese firm Uría Menéndez participates in the new firm since its inception in 2015. With offices in Santiago (Chile), Bogota and Barranquilla (Colombia), and Lima (Peru) PPU has lawyers in 13 practice areas. Additionally, Uría Menéndez brings its network of offices in Spain, Portugal, Sao Paulo, New York, Beijing, London, and Brussels to the partnership.  Looking forward, the firm seeks to respond efficiently to new demands for professional services resulting from the growing economic relationship between the countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru), as well as a growing interest in Latin America by European, Asian, and North American companies.

Áreas de prática

Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Mandarin

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